How Be Love Give Love Began
I know someone who at their lowest point in their life, when all seemed hopeless and dark, was judged, criticized, shamed, preached at, had Jesus thrown in their face, pushed aside, feared and ignored. I also know someone in the exact same situation who was seen, loved unconditionally, accepted just as they were, embraced, heard, encouraged and had seeds gently placed into their heart by some beautiful people.
Which one do you think continued down a dark, painful road? Which one do you think felt the unconditional love of God? Which one do you think went on to fully transform their life?
The two people above are actually the same person…ME, Coach Abby Lewis founder of Be Love Give Love. I believe with everything in me that the way we treat others deeply matters. The moment we choose who to love and who not to love, I feel we have completely missed the heart of God.
#belovegivelove #spreadthelove #lightuptheworld
I was asked one day, what kind of organization Be Love Give Love was and I replied and said, “it isn’t really an organization, it is a way of life.”
How Coach Abby Can Help You
What I personally specialize in as an author, speaker, and breakthrough coach is inspiring and helping others dive deep within their own heart, to heal the places that keep them from truly loving themselves well so more light and love can flow out of them.
You can’t truly “Be Love and Give Love” to the world around you if you first haven’t learned to love yourself well.
What I feel qualifies me the most to help people is not my degree or certifications, but my own life experience and personal story. I hit rock bottom in 2002 at the age of 24 and went on a journey of truly discovering the power of being still in God’s presence. It was in this place of stillness that God’s love touched me deeply and began a deep work in my heart, which allowed me to begin to truly love myself well, therefore causing more light and love to flow out of me, greatly impacting the world around me aka BE LOVE GIVE LOVE.

Be Love Give Love Location
Be Love Give Love is a Wellness Oasis of love and light. At the heart of BLGL is Coach Abby who is passionate about helping you truly discover what it takes to love yourself well, so you can heal and transform within your spirit, mind and body…then and only then, will you be better able to Be Love Give Love to the world around you. When you step into BLGL you will be met with unconditional love and acceptance. We offer a peaceful atmosphere, a listening ear, encouragement, hugs, tissues…along with our BLGL products, services, classes and event gatherings.
Located: 818 S Main St Lillington, NC
Current Hours: Wed-Sat 11-5
Occasionally closed to the public for special events or gatherings.

When You Buy, We Give.
While you visit Be Love Give Love, be sure to purchase some of our Be Love Give Love merchandise to help us spread the love with the BLGL message. Coach Abby's books and other items are also on hand for you to purchase, as well as booking breakthrough coaching sessions with Coach Abby.
And remember when you buy, a portion of our profits go right back out to people in need for the continued efforts in spreading the love and lighting up the world around us.

God is Moving Powerfully
God is moving powerfully in and through Be Love Give Love.
At any time, if you feel led to give to help support what God has us doing, listed below are ways you can give. We welcome and greatly appreciate your support and donations.
♥️ Ways to Give ♥️
PayPal: @belovegivelove
Cashapp: $belovegivelove
Website: Donate Online
In Person: 818 S Main St Lillington, NC

When You Buy, We Give!
One of our biggest prayers is that Be Love Give Love will be used by God to help answer people's prayers. We want to share with you that a portion of all the profits go right back out to people in need for the continued efforts in spreading the love and lighting up the world around us. At just the right time, God continues to bring people who need help across our paths or places them on our hearts. We have had the honor of coming alongside many people in their time of need to help ease the burdens of life and to be used by God to lift their spirits. This is Be Love Give Love in action.
So, when you give to or purchase from Be Love Give Love, know you are part of something truly special.
Shop online or stop by our Be Love Give Love store, located at 818 S Main St in Lillington, NC. We are open Wed-Sat from 11am-5pm.
Thank you for being a part of our Be Love Give Love community. We greatly appreciate you and your support.