Living Still AND Still Living Still
A person spoke this to me years ago in regards to the coaching I was giving her. She said, “I never knew there was a different way to live.”
The beauty of what God has called me to do as an author and breakthrough life coach is summed up in that one sentence. I have the privilege of being used by God to share my story, in hopes it opens your eyes, heart and mind to a whole new way of living. It is called Living Still.
So what is Living Still? Living still is not adopting a life of inactivity or solitude; rather, it is choosing to live in tune with the voice of God in the midst of the inevitable noise around us. Living still is learning to rest in God’s perfect love for us. It is taking the time to listen to His still, small voice with the expectation that He will lovingly guide us, one step at a time, toward freedom.
The practice of living still works. Learning to live this way delivered me from the pit and continues to transform my life and many others’s each day. And, I am confident that living still can change your life too.
"TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT" written by Abby Lewis
I was diagnosed with extreme panic disorder and eventually hit rock bottom in 2002 at the age of 24. It is truly remarkable that I am now in a place where my walk with God is so firmly rooted and planted in Him, that I can say to Satan..."Take your best shot, because I will not be moved."
There was a time, when the very thought of saying something that bold would have caused me so much fear. But now, I can say it and not tremble in fear, because I know God is with me! He has faithfully been with me, providing everything I need, throughout my entire journey, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He will continue to be with me.
I am no one special. God doesn’t love me more than He loves you. This life of peace and freedom that I live, isn’t available for only a select few. It is obtainable to anyone willing to do exactly what I did, and that is to choose to “fully” surrender your heart to God. That requires trusting Him deeply and allowing Him to deal with the matters of your heart that keep you from walking in peace and freedom and from being able to be love and give love to the world around you.
I understand your trials may be much different and more intense than my own have been. Please know that no matter the trials you are facing or the trials that may come your way, God will walk hand and hand with you on this journey. I promise that as you trust Him and keep your heart fully surrendered to Him, He will provide everything you need to get you to the other side, just as He faithfully has done for me.
Keep pressing into God. Keep persevering in Him. Don’t give up. Keep moving forward, walking with Him. If you do, then just like I have done, you will stand in awe as you look back, and say, “It has all been worth it.”